J Arthur Dixon Postcards

J Arthur Dixon Postcards

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OriginalDNew Number codeD  
Mad 1 x   Spinning Tunny and Espada Fishing Lines 
Mad 2x510MadxFlower Girl, Funchal 
Mad 3x511Mad Fishermen at Camara de Lobos 
Mad 4x512Mad Banana Trees 
Mad 5x513Mad Funchal 
Mad 6x514Mad Village of Santa Cruz 
Mad 7x515MadxFunchal 
Mad 8x516Mad Oxen-drawn Carros, Funchal 
Mad 9x517Mad The Beach, Camara de Lobos 
Mad10x518Mad Camara de Lobos 
Mad11x519Mad Cabo Girao [1960ft.] 
Mad12x520Mad Travelling in Comfort 
Mad13x521MadxCraft of Madeira -Wickerwork 
Mad14x522Mad New Avenue Hotel, Funchal 
Mad15x523Mad Craft of Madeira - Embroidery 
Mad16x524MadxCamara de Lobos 
Mad17x525Mad Reid's Hotel, Funchal 
Mad18x526MadxBourgainvillea at Funchal 
Mad19 527Mad Bougainvilleas and Bignonias with Ribeiro Saco Bridge in background, Funchal  
Mad20x528Mad Flower corner of market, Funchal 
Mad21x529MadxFunchal Bay from the West 
Mad22 530Mad Aquila Airways, Flying Boatis this the view of it taking off?
Mad23x531Mad Mimosa at Quinta do Palheiro 
Mad24x532Mad Mimosa at Quinto do Palheiro 
Mad25x533Mad Sheep Grazing at Qu. do Palheiro 
Mad26 534Mad Strelitzias, Arums etc  
Mad27x535Mad Bay from Palheiro 
Mad28x536Mad Looking down and across Funchal 
Mad29x537Mad View of Funchal Bay from Miramar Hotel 
Mad30x538MadxPrivate gardens, Reid's Hotel 
Mad31x539Mad Cabo Girao 
Mad32x540Mad Window shopping in Oxen Carro 
Mad32ax541Mad a White Rag Orchids [=PC 40]
Mad33x542Mad Private swimming Pool, Savoy Ho 
Mad33a 543Mad a Bird of Paradise Flower. Strelitzia Reginae [=PC 39]
Mad34 544Mad Madiera row boats & M.V. Venus in port 
Mad34ax545Mad a A Window from Columbus' Ho. 
Mad35x546Mad Funchal from a private Quinta 
Mad35ax547Mad a Flowering Mimosa 
Mad36x548Mad M.S.'Venus' in port, Funchal 
Mad37x549MadxHand -made Embroidery 
Mad38x550Mad Magnificent Bignonias 
Mad39x551Mad Native ware offered for sale 
Mad40x552Mad Diving Boys and Traders 
Mad41x553Mad View of stupendous Cabo Girao 
Mad42x554Mad View from the glorious 'Balcoes' 
Mad43x555Mad Madeiran Fishing Boat 
Mad44 556Mad   
Mad45x557Mad Milkman on rounds, Funchal 
Mad46x558Mad Running Carros down the Monte  
Mad47 559Mad   
Mad48x560Mad Lojas shop and Ravine 
Mad49x561MadxView of Funchal from 'Alto' 
Mad50x562Mad Cultivated Terraces, Machico V. 
Mad51x563MadxThe village of Machico 
Mad52x564MadxMiramar Hotel, Funchal 
Mad53x565Mad Flower Market Sq, Funchal 
Mad54x566Mad The 'Grande Curral' village 
Mad55x567Mad Embroidery and Spinning 
Mad56 568MadxSavoy Hotel, Funchal 
Mad57x569Mad Church of Estraito de Camara 
Mad58 570MadxAn old wine lodge, Madeira 
Mad59x571MadxRunning Carro and Flower Girls 
Mad60x572Mad Flower Girls by the Pier 
Mad61x573MadxHammock riding at Pico dos Barcelos 
Mad62 574Mad The British Country Club  
Mad63 575Mad The Lido Swimming Pool 
Mad64x576MadxBullock Carro and Flower Girls 
Mad65 577Mad Bullock Carro and Hammock at Mirimar Hotel 
Mad66 578MadxFlower Girls in the Casino Gdns 
Mad67x579MadxFlowering Jacaranda Trees 
Mad68x580MadxLooking west from Pontinha jetty 
Mad69 581MadxSavoy Hotel and Swimming Pool 
Mad70x582Mad Porto da Cruz village on N. coast 
Mad71 583Mad Village of Camara de Lobos 
Mad72    Bullock Carro on the brdge 
Mad73    Gardens of Tenerife Square, Funchal 
Mad74    Avenues of flowering jacaranda trees, Funchal 
Mad75    Fortress of S. Joao Baptista, Funchal 
Mad76    The Savoy Hotel 
Mad77    Bignonia and Bourgainvillia[=also Canaries 78 & 1179]
Mad78    Funchal Bay, S.S. Arcadia[ also SS 100 old]
Mad79    Funchal, view from 'Alto' 
Mad80    Isabel Hotel Santa 
Mad81    New Avenue Hotel 
Mad82    Funchal from S. Catanna Park 
Mad83    Funchal from the west 
Mad85    Roundabout of the "Praca Infante D.Henrique" 
Mad86    The 'Colegio' Church and Town Hall 
Mad87    Funchal from the East 
Mad88    Glimpse of the port and town of Funchal  
Mad89    Reid's Hotel & the Savoy Hotel Pool 
Mad90    The Waterfront, Funchal 
Mad91    Flower seller in native costume 
Mad92    Bullock Carro 
Mad93    Funchal by night 
Mad95    Football Stadium, Funchal 
Mad96    Folk lore dancing at Camacha 
Mad99    Port of Funchal from the East 
Mad100    Funchal from the West  
Mad108    Cruznhas en route to Faial 
Mad109    Chapel en route to S.Vicente 
Mad110    Governor's Palace of Sao Lourenco, Funchal 
Mad111    Fishing village of Camara de Lobos 
Mad113    Looking down to Grand Curral Villlage 
Mad114    The Waterfront, Funchal 
Mad116    Village of Machico 
Mad117    Porto da Cruz on the North Coast 
Mad118    Lido Swimming Pool 
Mad120    Funchal's modern buildings 
Mad121    Running Car  
Mad126    Funchal from the East  
Mad129    Funchal from the East  
Mad130    Weighing Bananas 
Mad132    The Cathedral, Funchal 
Mad133    Corner of the Flower Market, Funchal 
Mad135    Flowersellers in Santa Catarina Park  
Mad136    Funchal New Avenue Hotel 
Mad137    Fishing Village at Camara de Lobos  
Mad138    View from the Cabo Girao